The Environment is the Foundation of a Healthy Life.The quality of the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the land on which we grow food depends on how carefully we manage the natural resources around us. Every day, we witness changes in climate conditions, the loss of biodiversity, pollution, and the degradation of resources, all of which directly impact our health and quality of life.
Therefore, we must make thoughtful decisions regarding the environment and plan long-term how we use and preserve the resources it provides.
The Environmental Protection Strategy of the Republic of Serbia for the Period 2024–2033 is a strategic, overarching public policy document that will guide our society in determining its relationship with the environment.
The process of developing the Strategy began with the Ministry of Environmental Protection in January 2023 and involved a wide range of ministries, institutions, and four civil society organizations, including the Belgrade Open School.
The Strategy is accompanied by an action plan outlining activities that should be implemented by 2028 to improve the current environmental situation, protect natural resources, and contribute to a better quality of life for citizens in Serbia.
In line with the Sofia Declaration, the Strategy integrates the goals of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans, as well as measures necessary for further alignment with the European Union’s environmental protection and climate change regulations and standards. The Strategy focuses on six key areas:
Climate Change and Decarbonization — reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to changing climatic conditions, with more efficient energy use and a shift to cleaner, renewable energy sources.
Circular Economy — industrial symbiosis, waste utilization, responsible recycling, sustainable production, innovation, eco-design, green public procurement, and efficient resource use.
Pollution Reduction — improving air, water, and soil quality, reducing industrial pollution and managing risks, chemical management, noise reduction, and addressing ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
Biodiversity and Ecosystem Protection — the protection and sustainable management of natural resources, including forests, protected areas, and wildlife.
Sustainable Agriculture — addressing the environmental impact of agriculture, food safety, sustainable food production, organic farming, and the use of pesticides and fertilizers.
Horizontal Issues — public administration reform, public finance management, economic reform programs, public awareness and participation, reporting, and access to justice in environmental matters.
The Ministry of Environmental Protection is the responsible institution for developing the Strategy, but due to the scope and complexity of this document, collaboration and coordination with other ministries, such as the Ministry of Mining and Energy, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, the Ministry of Finance, and other stakeholders, are essential for the implementation and monitoring of the action plan.
Although the National Environmental Protection Program ceased to be valid in 2019, the process of developing a strategy to regulate and plan the development of environmental protection only began last year. Simultaneously, the Belgrade Open School, in cooperation with its partners, organized a series of consultative meetings with civil society organizations to enhance the transparency of the process and involve a broader group of organizations in decision-making on issues of great importance to the daily lives of citizens.
These meetings provided an opportunity for organizations to present their proposals and remarks during the early stages of drafting the Strategy, which were subsequently forwarded to the responsible ministry. Over 30 civil society organizations participated in these consultations, showing that there is significant room for improving the draft version of the Strategy, especially regarding the insufficient financial resources for achieving the defined goals.
Furthermore, the participants agreed that the Strategy should improve the accessibility of environmental data for citizens and that there is a need for greater collaboration between institutions and civil society, as the implementation of the set goals requires active intersectoral cooperation among all relevant actors. The development process of the new strategic framework for environmental protection is an opportunity for the Republic of Serbia to integrate the goals of the Green Agenda into its public policy documents and define development priorities in the use and conservation of natural resources.
Now, the development of the Strategy enters its final phase through a public debate process.
The Public's Turn
The public debate opens the opportunity for all of us, citizens of the Republic of Serbia, to express our needs and views on environmental protection and, in doing so, initiate a much-needed dialogue on an issue that, rightfully, has occupied a significant place in public discourse in recent years.
Now, we have the chance to contribute to concrete, systemic, and long-term solutions. Therefore, we invite citizens and representatives of organizations to participate in the public debate on the Draft Environmental Protection Strategy and contribute to a more sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.
How Can You Participate?
The public debate started today and will run until December 24, 2024. You can submit your comments to the Ministry of Environmental Protection by downloading the COMMENT AND SUGGESTION FORM, filling it out, and sending it via email to, or by post to:
Ministry of Environmental Protection – Sector for International Cooperation and Climate Change Omladinskih brigada 1, 11070 Novi Beograd with the note: “Public Debate – Draft Environmental Protection Strategy with Action Plan.”
All information about participation in the public debate on the proposal of the Environmental Protection Strategy can be found on the Ministry's website,