In light of the issuance of the Decision on the conditions for nature protection – the "Jadar" Project, 29 civil society organizations focused on environmental protection call upon the Government of Serbia and the Ministry of Environmental Protection to assume responsibility and take measures to sanction those responsible at the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia for the non-transparent and illegitimate process of issuing nature protection conditions for the "Jadar" Project.
The Decision on the nature protection conditions for determining the scope and content of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the "Jadar" lithium and boron underground exploitation project was issued on August 21, 2024, at the request of the Rio Sava company, by the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, a professional institution responsible for the protection and improvement of Serbia's natural heritage.
Following the publication of information by the Center for Investigative Journalism of Serbia (CINS), public confirmation was given to suspicions that the nature protection conditions for the "Jadar" Project were prepared outside of the established standards, altered, and adopted without the consent of some experts employed at the Institute, and aligned with the interests of the company at the expense of Serbia's nature and citizens.
Good environmental governance and the preservation of Serbia’s natural resources rely on the effective functioning of institutions, the application of laws, adherence to procedures, the use of scientific data, and expert opinions.
Understanding the complexity of procedures in project approval, we believe the primary task of the Institute is to provide detailed information on the presence of natural values in the given area through the issuance of the nature protection conditions, without resorting to a vague selection of "some of the more significant species," to assess potential impacts, and to propose protection measures. The principles of prevention, precaution, and the preservation of natural values, as defined by the Environmental Protection Law, require that natural values be identified and listed, and that every potential impact on them be assessed in accordance with the best available scientific knowledge and without compromise.
It is concerning that the leadership of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia disregards the knowledge and opinions of its employees, undermining practices developed over years due to political decisions, thus significantly endangering the nature of Serbia and its citizens.
We believe that nature protection is one of the priorities of our society, and that institutions responsible for environmental protection must be the strongest defenders and advocates of preserving natural resources.
The Jadar Project, which poses significant risks to nature and citizens, through such procedures and practices, fosters corruption and further erodes public trust in institutions.
In order to prevent this method of issuing nature protection conditions from becoming standard practice, which could have severe and tragic consequences, we demand:
- Immediate protection for the Institute's experts who have opposed the manner in which decisions are made from any potential punitive or disciplinary actions, as well as from potential harassment by superiors;
- The resignation of the Director of the Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia;
- Sanctions for those responsible at the Ministry of Environmental Protection;
- A review and amendment of the legal framework for issuing nature protection conditions and the internal acts of the Institute to ensure consistent application of expert knowledge and prevent the influence of other interests in the preparation of nature protection conditions, as soon as possible.
Signatory Organizations:
Young Researchers of Serbia
Bela Čaplja 1166
Belgrade Open School
CEKOR – Center for Ecology and Sustainable Development
Center for Modern Skills
Center for Civil Action
Center for Environmental Improvement
Society Stara Planina
Eco Center
Eco Club Green Signposts
Ecological Movement “Framework for Life”
European Movement in Serbia – Valjevo
GM Optimist
Environmental Protection Engineers
League for Ornithological Action
Local Response
Media and Reform Center Niš
National Ecological Association
Organization for Political Ecology Polekol
Goran Movement of Vojvodina
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