Belgrade Open School has realized the project Exploring the correlation between air pollution and COVID-19 in Serbia in the period from 01.07.2020. to 31.12.2020. that was supported by the British Embassy in Belgrade.
The goal of this project was to bring awareness to the problem of air pollution in Serbia. In the last couple of years this problem has become one of the biggest challenges citizens of Serbia are dealing with. Based on a different researches that have been published since the begining COVID-19 pandemic, it has been shown that the correlation between air pollution and spread of the COVID-19 virus exists and that air pollution, besides having a negative effect on helatih also has an impact on the spread of COVID-19.
Activities that were implemented through this project are:
- Meta-Analysis of available scientific papers on the correlation between COVID-19 and air pollution carried out and published
- Analysis of the Annual Report on Air Quality in Serbia carried out and published
- A roundtable/online panel discussion organized, presenting the research results
- Promotional campaign conducted, highlighting research results and addressing the public