How to get on the wish list? Manual for the promotion of high school educational profiles, 2016.
Authors: Jelena Ožegović
Published in October 2016.
Regardless of the specific field, the promotion of educational profiles and the general promotion of schools as institutions that educate potential employees, whose knowledge completely corresponds with the needs of the local industry, should be a continuous activity, which the entire school staff is dedicated to. This manual is intended for high schools facing challenges in the area of promoting perspective educational profiles and general school promotion in the local community, and beyond. Its goal is to, in a simple and systematic way, explain how schools plan and implement their promotional activities by using modern technologies and online tools, and within the resources they have available.
This document was made as part of the MUSTRA IV - Model of harmonizing the education system with the labour market – Promotion of perspective educational profiles in vocational schools, which was financed by Solidar Suisse – Office in Serbia.
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